Only Accepting 99 Applicants

You Must Have at Least 1x SMMA Client to Apply.

Step 1

Sign up to GHL affiliate links

If you have an account, but not on SaaS - Upgrade here

You'll receive access to the Free Course: the "Starting Point"

Step 2

Sign up to Uphex Affiliate Link

This software is complimentary to GHL

It allows you to launch Facebook ads in 3 clicks

Step 3

Sign up to Skool affiliate links

Sign up for the Skool 14-Day Free Trial

You now need a place to build your SaaS community

Skool is crucial to building & hosting your training platforms

Step 4

Apply to Join the "SMMA Database Masterminds"

Fill the application form and we'll take 24 hours reply to your application

You must provide the email you signed up to GHL's, Uphex, Skool

If accepted you'll gain access to the Mastermind & it's resources.

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